Tuesday, June 24, 2014

SUGAR...I Wish You Would Just Disappear!

When you're having a craving for something sweet, read this! I've always had a sweet tooth, but sugar is so bad for you!  Here are 6 good reasons to just stay away.

1. It rots your teeth. Who likes going to the dentist? I sure don't! Keep eating and drinking (yes you drink sugar too) sugar and it's a sure easy to find yourself at the dentist office with a bad tooth ache.  Just envision yourself with big fat ugly, black rotten teeth. Uck! When you're giving your children sugary foods, your giving their teeth reasons to rot!

2. Sugar leads to weight gain.  That's right, you heard me!  When you eat sugar, your body may burn some for energy, but for most of it ends up being stored as fat.   When you consume a lot of sugar, insulin is released to handle the overload.  The more sugar in your bloodstream, the more insulin is released.  Insulin takes this sugar (now glucose) and stores it in your liver and muscles and your fat cells!  Of course, it's much more indepth than this, but for sake of making this short just know that it turns to fat!  Who wants that?

3.  Sugar contributes to many diseases.  When too much sugar gets stored in our liver, we can develop Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. This disease is very much associated with many metabolic diseases.  Stay away from my liver sugar!  Just stay away!

4.  Sugar has been associated with cancer. Someone with cancer has uncontrolled growth of cells.  The cells multiply and can not be controlled.  Insulin plays a large role in this multiplication of cells.  It is believed by many scientists now that when your insulin levels are constantly raised from sugar consumption, metabolic issues occur leading to inflammation which in turn lead to cancer.  People with high levels of sugar are more likely to get cancer than those who do not have high levels.

5.  High sugar diets can lead you to feel hungrier than lower sugar diets.  People with higher sugar diets have less activity in the satiety center of their brains.  In turn, this leads them to feel hungrier. 

6.  Sugar is addicting!  I really don't believe in eating anything that is addicting.  You need a balanced diet.  If you're addicted to eating sugar, you will have a harder time having a balanced diet...just my opinion.

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