Wednesday, June 11, 2014

21 Day Fix Days 2 and 3

So I didn't post yesterday, but my workout for 21 Day Fix was upper fix. I LOVED tks workout! I've never had a strong upper body, but this workout rocked! I used 5lbs and 8lbs. If you have pretty good arm strength, then use heavier weights.

Like the last workout, this one consisted of rounds. Each exercise lasts a minute, and you do each round of exercises twice.  Most exercises do require the dumbbells, but you also do some exercises without, like pushups.  I can usually do a good 10 pushups, but my arms were so worn out I had to go to my knees (don't judge me for only being able to do 10 pushups!).  We're my arms shaking? Yes! But that's a good thing! It wasn't so hard that I wanted to die, but it was still hard enough to make me sweat like a pig! I can't wait to see what my arms look like after 21 days! Never thought I'd love an upper body workout, but I did love this one! 

Day 3 was lower fix (today) and I felt the burn!!! I am positive that I will have one fine butt by the time I through with this! I'm already sore :) Upper Fix is still my favorite, but I liked this one too. It was similar to the other two, with one minute exercises. Overall, it's a kick butt workout(literally!).

As far as food goes, I'm finding that you actually get a lot more than I originally thought. When I saw how small the containers were I thought, "OMGEE I'm going to starve!" Turns out, I actually have had to make sure I'm eating enough. I've really upped the greens and cut back on the processed foods. I'm feeling good and wondering why I didn't start this earlier! Does my husband like all the salads I'm making, no, but I know my family is eating so much healthier thanks to this! I've added pictures of some of my food and workouts.

It takes hard work to change your body!!!!! Is it your time to change???

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