About Me

I'm Katie, a wife to a wonderful husband and a mother to two beautiful girls. I have such an amazing family and am blessed to get to stay home with my girls. After having my second child, things were tough for our family.  We had just recently moved, I had a very hard time finding a job, and now we didn't have just one precious child to take care of, but two.  Even though my husband never did anything to make me feel this way, I felt horrible for not contributing financially.  Yes, I held my weight in taking care of the house and our family, but  I hated not being able to contribute financially and just felt like I had lost myself.  I think being a mom this is easy to do.  You get lost in your kids and lose your identity.  We had so much debt to pay off and my husband and I were starting to wonder if it would ever be paid off. Living in a small town in southern Illinois, there weren't many job opportunities for me, past working at Wal-Mart or McDonald's.  I wouldn't even have been able to afford childcare working at either of those two places.  I was lost, confused, wondering why I went to college if I couldn't get a job.  So after my second child, I was honestly fat, unemployed and unhappy in many ways.

I had a friend tell me about being a Beachbody coach and how much it changed her life.  I thought, I don’t know if I believe that but I’ll at least try a challenge group out and hopefully get the baby weight off. Let me tell you...I had A LOT of baby weight to get off.  I was so unhappy with my body that my self esteem had plummeted.  So I joined a group doing P90X3 and I lost the baby weight and thought, do coaches really get to run these challenge groups, help people and make money at the same time? I enjoyed the challenge group so much that I thought, what the heck?!  I’ll give it a try.  I wanted to help people like me lose weight and gain self esteem. I had nothing to lose, and now I've gained so much.  I feel like I have my life back.  I have my identity again, I’m contributing financially and I’m just actually happy.  My family has two loans paid off now and we are working on our credit cards.  I can't tell you how fulfilling it is to get to help others achieve their fitness goals and actually get to make money while doing it.  I have a job that doesn't feel like a "job".  I get to help people, work when I want, socialize with other positive people, and make good money.  Being a coach has been a blessing to my family!


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