Challenge Group

What is a challenge group?
This is a closed group on Facebook, run by a beachbody coach, that offers help with meal planning, recipes, gives support and motivation and anything else you might need while doing a beachbody workout program.

Why join a challenge group?
A challenge group will help hold you accountable for eating healthy and doing your workouts. A lot of people find the first week easy to stick with, but seem to fall off schedule later on. A challenge group will give you a place to check in everyday, and give you that extra push when you need it.

How do you join a challenge group?
You will click the link below, pick out a workout program of your choice and then a flavor of Shakeology. I will then place you in a group and help you meet your fitness goals! If you would like one on one help, I will be glad to do that!
click here to join the challenge! Under the shop tab I have posted my top recommended programs.

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