Monday, June 9, 2014

21 Day Fix Day 1

Ok so today marks my first official day doing the 21 day fix workouts AND eating plan. This is tough for me, because I love to eat a lot!!!!  I NEED this portion control, and am looking forward to my results!

Ok so the first workout is total body cardio. I wanted to puke when I was finished! Cardio is not my thing, but I know how necessary it is to get the body I want. So this workout requires a light set of weights. I used 5lbs. You have four rounds with two exercises in one round.  You have things like surrenders and cross country skiers.  Cross country skiers just about killed me! Ha! So basically, you do cardio with weights, so you're working your arms while getting your cardio in. The last round works your abs, and believe me, you'll be glad for that break at the end! It was tough workout, but I loved it! You work EVERYTHING! Hence the name :)

The eating plan is something I've never done before either. You have colored containers for portion control. I can have 3 green, 2 purple and yellow, 1 Orange and 1 blue, and two teaspoons. I started with egg and 1/2 banana pancakes, a very green salad for lunch, and I'll make stir fry for supper. I added Shakeology with berries in as a snack and some nuts. Overall, this isn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be. Of course it's just day one! I may be saying something else by the end if the week!

Want to join me? CLICK HERE

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