Thursday, July 17, 2014

Challenge Groups and Cost

About 7 months ago, my husband and I were throwing around the idea of getting into better shape.  I still had weight to lose from having my daughter, and he was just wanting something new to do.  We came across an ad for P90X3 and thought, "This looks like it might work".  We knew we couldn't devote an hour a day for a workout, so we loved the fact that each workout was exactly 30 minutes.  We saw pictures of transformations and I know we both took a minute to fantasize looking like one of them.  Who doesn't want to look and feel great?

So after a couple weeks of pondering over whether or not we should try it, we decided that we needed the lifestyle change and if we wanted it bad enough, we could find a way to buy it.  Cost is an issue most people bring up.  I've learned that if there is a will, there is a way.  You have to WANT to change.  You have to be COMMITTED.

If someone told you that they had a way for you to lose weight, look toned, feel amazing and look great, how much money would you pay?  Really think about it.  How many times have you spent money on something that didn't give you the results you wanted?  How much have you spent over the years on "Diet Pills" and "Nutrition Bars" that claim to be healthy for you?  How many of you have bought a treadmill or some exercise equipment that you never use?  Maybe you have a treadmill that you get on 30 minutes a day, but you aren't seeing those results that you really want.  Now, how much did you spend on that exercise equipment?

Kurt and I made that decision to change the healthy way...the only real way to be healthy and fit (hard work and nutrition).  We bought P90X3 and Shakeology.  I'll be honest, when we bought Shakeology, I had no idea how much it would help me.  I didn't understand that it was not just some protein shake.  The nutrition in it is crazy!  The benefits of drinking it are undeniable....I could write all day about how much I love it and why, but I'll leave it for another day.

After purchasing what I now know to be called a challenge pack (Shakeology and a workout program), my coach asked me if I would be interested in joining a challenge group.  At the time, I really had no idea what a challenge group even was.  I just said sure and had no idea what to expect.  So she added me to a closed Facebook group with other people doing the same program.  The first week our group leader asked us to sign a paper that said that we were committed to the program and that we were to check in every single day to the group.  I thought, "What the hell did I just get myself into?"  I almost backed out...almost.  I ended up signing and telling myself, "I guess I'm in this for real!"  Through the challenge group, I was held ACCOUNTABLE for drinking my Shakeology and doing the workouts.  At this time I still didn't understand the benefits of Shakeology so I was kind of confused as to why it mattered whether or not I drank it.  You have no idea how grateful I am now that my group leader pushed me to drink it everyday.
I was also pushed to talk about my workout and how I did each day.  I know for a fact that I would not have kept up with the program had I not been in this group.  I had so many days that I just didn't feel like doing anything.  The sole reason I worked out some days was because when I checked in the group I didn't want to have to tell anyone that I didn't stick to the program.  I didn't want to feel like a failure. There were other people in there giving it their all and keeping up with it, so I wanted to do it too.  I'll be forever thankful that I was placed in that group.  The changes in me were amazing.  Not only physically, but mentally.  When I was down, there was always someone to pick me back up and help me.  When I needed motivation and support, I had a whole group right there every step of the way. 

When the challenge group ended, I was honestly shocked at my results.  I had actually met my goal weight and I looked better than I thought I would.  I was on a high that I'd never been on before.  I had worked for my results and I couldn't have been more proud.  I owe this feeling to my challenge group.  It changed me more than I could have ever imagined.

My particular program with Shakeology was one of the more expensive programs.  Don't let price scare you.  You will spend more money on countless wasteful things that are "cheaper" and not effective.  With the money I spent, I lost ALL my baby weight! I gained self-respect, self-confidence, self-esteem and I got back to being ME.  A BETTER me!!!  So would I pay it again?  ABSOLUTELY! 

You are investing in yourself!  You are worth it.  In my challenge groups, I will show you why your investment was worth it and help you reach your goals.  Support is such a valuable asset to your success.  Join a challenge group and get those results that you've been wanting.  Do it the healthy way!  Learn how to eat clean and how to plan your meals.  Learn how to incorporate health into your life! You won't regret it! If you really want a change, you'll make it happen!

With that said, my next challenge group starts August 4th. Fill out this form below if you're interested in joining!

Fill out my form!

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