Friday, July 11, 2014

What is Clean Eating?

After I had my second child, I looked for ways to lose weight.  I had seen so many posts from other people about clean eating.  I thought, "What the heck is clean eating?" It's really pretty simple and easy to follow.  The best part about it is that it's a lifestyle change, not a fad diet.

So What is clean eating?
Clean eating is eating foods as close to their natural state as possible.  For example, instead of eating white rice you would choose 100% whole grain rice or quinoa.  You want to cut out all processed foods and foods filled with preservatives.  Clean eating is full of all natural and fresh foods. You want to stay away from refined flours and sugars.  Artificial sweeteners are not natural, therefore, they are not clean foods. 

How do I know if packaged foods are ok to eat?
Check the ingredient list.  If there is a long list of foods that I can not pronounce, chances are it's processed and not clean.  Go for Organic fruits and vegetables.  Any foods that are in packages or cans, make sure that there isn't a long list of ingredients. NO PRESERVATIVES!

Here are some examples of clean foods (Keep in mind that this is just a short list for example purposes)
Organic apples
Organic bananas
Organic berries
Brown Rice
Dark chocolate
Plain non-fat greek yogurt
Agave Nectar
All Natural Applesauce
Shakeology (Click here to Try Shakeology)

Pretty much all fruits and vegetables :)  If you can get organic ones, then that's better for you!

Can I eat Meat?
YES!  You should always incorporate protein in your diet!  Try to choose meats that are lean and free of chemicals and hormones.

Do I need to count my calories?
Nope!  It's not realistic to think you're going to count calories for the rest of your life.  Clean eating is meant to be a lifestyle change, so focus on eating "clean" foods and you will lose weight and you will become healthier.

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