Saturday, September 20, 2014

Introducing P90

Tony Horton has done it again!   He has come out with a new workout program for those of you who find P90X just a little to high impact.  Want to know the best part?  You can still get extreme results!  The transformations are astounding with this program!

 P90 is in Tony's words, "Straightforward. Fundamental. Doable."

The workouts are easy to follow.  Nothing crazy!  Sometimes you just want SIMPLE. 

P90 is great, because it's designed to work for EVERYONE! Anyone can do this!  With several cardio blasting, resistance and sculpting workouts, you're sure to change you body in the best way. It's broken up into three phases, A, B and C. 

Can I lose a substantial amount of weight with this program?
YES!  Absolutely!  Just because the workout is simple doesn't mean it's easy.  It's still very much a workout!  

Can I get my abs back with this program?
Uh Heck Yeah!  With THREE Ab ripper workouts (around 15min) that are sure make your abs BURN.

When can I get this program?
You can get it through a coach in just three days!  Fill out my contact form or message me on Facebook if you're interested.  

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