Sunday, September 14, 2014

How The Space Cadet Mom Functions

If you know me, then you know that I can be a total space cadet.  I have every intention of doing everything I say I'm going to do...I just get distracted and forget.  After having my second child, it seemed like I had 24/7 baby brain.  It was worse than it had ever been!  I forgot to pay bills (something I NEVER do!) and I was double booking appts.  I just couldn't seem to remember anything!  It was embarrassing and made me feel really stupid.

The last couple of months I have been working on a system to keep me on track.  I have had to find what works best for me and my family.  It's taken some trial and error, but I finally found a system that works for me.  I don't know that it will work for you, but I wanted to share my system anyways.

First things first.  A clean house helps keep a clear mind.  Having a three year old tornado and a 10 month old makes it very difficult to keep things clean.  There are always toys everywhere! I'm not a mom who tells her child she can only have one toy at a time, and I won't kid myself into believing that I will ever be that way.  I do not have a designated play room in my house, so the toys are spread out all over our family room.  Honestly, I used to be so embarrassed by this, but I think you have to learn how to not care what other people think.  I've tried to organize the toys by having a variety of containers for certain toys, but the organization takes forever and it just doesn't work for me!  If that works for you, then that is amazing.  Keep it up.  I am using several containers for toys, but I'm not so knit picky about what goes in what container.  Instead, I have a large toy box for larger toys and a few small containers for smaller toys.  It's easy to just throw the toys in each container.  I try to keep girly stuff in one and animals in another ( you get the picture ), but if they get mixed up then, who cares.  The stuff is off the floor and that is what matters. 

I have devised a DAILY cleaning schedule for myself that actually really works.  Unless you are Supermom, you just can't do everything in one day.  It's easy if you get yourself in a habit of doing certain things on certain days, and it really keeps your house pretty clean.  There are things that you need to do daily, like clean the kitchen counters and pick up toys, but other things you can schedule into your week.  For example, Mondays are floor days for me.  Generally I do have to sweep up my house daily due to the kids dropping crumbs everywhere, but on Mondays I really concentrate on it and I mop EVERY floor that is not carpet.  I have posted my schedule below. 

Like a lot of things, you can have every intention of keeping up with a cleaning schedule, but you just fall off schedule because you forget or you're tired.  I have downloaded To Do Tasks on my Android, and it has made my life so much more orderly!  I put EVERYTHING in there.  I schedule out my days and a little alarm goes off every time I have something I need to be doing.  I have an alarm for Laundry that goes off every day at 7:25AM.  That way I remember to put the laundry in the wash daily, so that I don't end up with piles to do at the end of the week.  If I have an appt. I put it in there.  If I have a bill to pay, I put it in there. I have my whole day planned and put in my To Do app.  I have an example of my day below.  By doing this, I am able to have designated time for work, cleaning, and play time with my kids.  It makes my day go so much smoother! 

Another thing I've done is make a board where I have dinners for the week listed, a calendar, and a place for bills.  For bills, I take sticky notes and write the bill on it and when it's due.  I stick it on the board and when I pay it, I just take it off the board.  Having a visual really helps me see what I need to do.  I love it!  I have a few other little things that I've learned to do and will be sharing them in my FREE 7 day group about keeping your life in order (or more so than it was! haha).  If you are a naturally organized Supermom, then this probably isn't helpful for you.  I happen to be super spacey and distract able so I have to really focus to keep things in order.  If you are like me, then I hope this helps! If you want to join my 7 day group just friend me and ask to join! I'm hoping it can be a great place for moms to post good advice as well. Facebook Group

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