Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Want to lose 15lbs in 21 days?

I have ranted and raved about this program before, and I'm going to do it again.  I can not say enough good things about this program!  21 Day Fix has helped people transform their bodies over and over again.  It keeps things simple, and healthy!  Let me explain how this program works.

First, there are seven thirty minute workouts, a 10 minute ab fix, and when you get it through me you will also get another 30 minute workout.  So that is a total of NINE workouts in this program.

Second, you will receive several different colored containers.  Each container is a different size and color.  You will receive a food program booklet which explains what foods you can put in each container.  Depending on how many calories you are allowed, you will be given a number for how many containers you can have each day.  By doing this, your eating is made simple.  You don't have to count calories...Yay! I can't tell you how much I hate counting calories!  It's beyond annoying.

So you will have your eating plan and a workout schedule for 21 days.  You can seriously lose up to 15lbs doing this program in just 3 weeks!  I've watched people do this and have great success.  If you need help sticking to the program....well that's what I'm here for!  In all honesty, I have done so many programs and this one is my top choice.  I love that the workouts are short and effective.  It's doable for ANYONE.  There is a great modifier for beginners, so don't worry if you're really out of shape :)

I HIGHLY recommend this program!  And let's be honest here, who doesn't like a sale???

The challenge pack is normally $160 (Shakeology and 21 Day Fix), but it's $140 this month only!

21 Day Fix

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