Wednesday, August 20, 2014

September Challenge!

Every month I try to run a challenge group so that everyone has a chance to join when it is convenient to them.  September 2nd will be the kickoff for my next group.  For those of you who do not know what a challenge group is, let me explain.

A challenge group is a group of people who have COMMITTED to starting a workout program of their choice and following a clean eating diet.  The group keeps in touch by joining a closed Facebook group that I create.  Challengers are required to check in every single day!  This keeps you accountable for your workouts and eating!  I  (and my team) provide support and motivation for you, so that you don't give up!  Everyone starts together, and we all finish together.  I do everything I can so that you don't quit!  Everyone can share recipes and meal plans as well.

Do you have to pay for me to "coach" you?
Nope!  My coaching is FREE.  You are responsible for getting your program of choice (challenge pack) through me.  After you get your Beachbody program, I will add you into my group.

What do I need for a challenge group?
You will need to get what is called a CHALLENGE PACK.  This is a workout program AND Shakeology.  You choose the program and pick what flavor of Shakeology you would like.

What is Shakeology?
Shakeology is an ALL NATURAL nutrient dense meal replacement shake.  It is whole foods, dried and ground for easy digestion.  There are over 70 ingredients which each have amazing benefits for your body. You get natural proteins, Antioxidant superfoods, Adaptogens, Pre and Pro-biotics and Phytonutrient Super-Greens.  With ingredients like spinach, quinoa, Pea protein, Camu-Camu, Yacon root, Pea fiber, and Kamut grass, you will feel more energetic and healthy than before. 

How do you get a program through me?
CLICK HERE for a direct link to my website.  That's all you have to do!

What if I have no idea what program to choose?
Fill out my form  and I will contact you.  We can see what your needs are and I can set you in the right direction.  I've done a lot of the programs myself and can give you honest advice on all of them. 

Not sure if you're ready to commit?
That's ok.  You can create a FREE beachbody account that will allow you to get good information and start thinking about workouts and clean eating.  Just go here for Free Membership

I can't wait for my next group to start!  I have seen real transformations in people!  I'm a big believer in hard work and eating right to meet your fitness goals.  I don't believe in diet pills or fad diets.  I think if you want something you have to work hard for it!  If you want to make a change and share your journey with others than please contact me and I'll show you how you can make a change and impact others lives! There is a place where you can contact me on my home page.  I hope to see you in my next challenge group!

Photo: It's about that time again to get another group together! This is a Great way for you to get support and motivation to make a healthy lifestyle change. You'll be held accountable and get any help that you need. I've talked to some people who want to try a group, but are nervous to take that step and actually do it. If you are nervous, don't be. This is an amazing opportunity to become a better you! There is no judgment or competition. Just people supporting one another! I don't care what your fitness level is. So please message me and take that leap!

Friday, August 8, 2014

August Specials!

I hate making anything that is "sales" related, but Beachbody has so many great deals this month that I can't not tell you about them!   If you've been waiting to change your lifestyle, now  is the time to jump in and invest in yourself.  If you need that accountability to go along with your program, then there are challenge groups starting August 11th and the first Monday in September. 

Ok, so what are the deals this month?

1.  Body Beast!  Right now you can get the program for $39.90! This price is AMAZING! You can also get the challenge pack for just $140!  Remember, a challenge pack includes Shakeology ($130 value) AND Body Beast.  Check out the transformations from this program below.

2. PIYO - FREE SHIPPING on PIYO right now! 

3.  Brazilian Butt Lift - Get the program by itself for just $39.90!  I love this program!  It works your whole body, but focuses more on your butt.  It's tough and I love it! 

4.  FOCUS T25 - This is one of the most popular programs! The Challenge Pack is available for $180, regular retail price $205. You can get the body you want in just 25 minutes a day!  According to the CEO of Beachbody, this program will probably not go on sale again until 2015.

5.  The 10-Minute Trainer® Challenge Pack (available in English and Spanish) is available for $160, regular retail price $180.  Short on time?  You have no excuses not to workout with this program!  You only need to give 10 minutes a day!  Everybody has time for that!

Like I said before, I hate talking about prices and anything "sales", but how could I not let you all know about the deals going on now?!  CLICK HERE to shop for these programs :)  Contact me if you have questions about a program or just want more details.  I can always set you up in a challenge group with me so that you get that accountability and motivation that most of us need to succeed! 

Friday, August 1, 2014

30 Day Clean Eating Challenge

I haven't had a blog post in a while and I don't have a good excuse as to why.  I may be into fitness and healthy, but like everybody else, I'm human.  I lost my focus and fell off track.  I was doing my workouts here and there, but not consistently.  I don't even want to talk about how bad my eating has been!  It's like I'm pregnant again...but I'm not...seriously, I'm not.

I've had this knot in my stomach for a while now.  Guilt has been building in me, but it's not from how bad I've been eating.  It's from how I've slacked in feeding my own child healthy foods.  Here I am, a Beachbody coach AND a very involved mother who loves her girls!  I have no excuse for choosing unhealthy foods to feed my 3 year old.  Absolutely no excuse.  I buy the food and I have the power to choose what she eats.

I am guilty of feeding my daughter Mac N Cheese serveral times a week.  This is not ok!  A bigger problem that I've had is people around us who feed my child (my other baby is 9 months old so I don't have to worry too much about her yet) unhealthy foods.  NO CHILD NEEDS COOKIES AND CAKE EVERY SINGLE DAY.  Let me repeat that.  NO CHILD NEEDS COOKIES AND CAKE EVERY SINGLE DAY.

 August is a new month.  I am committing to being a good example for my children.  I WILL make healthy clean choices 100% of the time for me and my children.  I WILL NOT let others feed my children unhealthy foods every day.  I WILL NOT care what others think of my choice to eat clean.  I won't let others make me feel bad for feeding my children healthy foods.  If I have to sound mean to get people to know how serious I am about this, I will.  You have been warned!  We hear about child obesity all the time, but what are we doing to stop it?  I won't allow my children to become victims of this. 

I am going to be a good example.  By doing this, I will be a better, healthier me.  We all win!  I challenge all of you to do the same.  I think my biggest challenge of all is getting my husband on board.  I love him and wish he would see the value in eating healthy.  Wish me luck on that one!

On a side note, I'm starting to read the Grain Brain.  I've had a hard time thinking straight lately and I'm hoping that starting this will clear my head!  It follows clean eating, but has more guidelines.  I'll blog about that one another time.  Right now I just want to focus on clean eating!