Monday, May 26, 2014

Making Goals

Days like today do nothing for my self worth. I skipped my workout, didn't stick to my eating plan, and I wasn't anywhere near patient enough with my children. When does it ever feel good to go to bed knowing that you didn't accomplish much of anything, or that you didn't better yourself? Parenting is a funny thing. You have all these ideas of how you're going to be with your kids, but the truth is that you don't know until it happens. You think you won't ever lose your cool, or that you will always be consistent. You won't ever get frustrated, you won't do this and that. I also always said that I would always take time for myself and be healthy. I thought I'd always dress cute and have my makeup and hair done. That last one has me laughing now. I'm wearing sweats everyday and I'm lucky to get a brush through my hair.

 I'm not saying my life is bad. My life is actually amazing and wonderful. I have two wonderful girls that bring me so much joy. I have a husband whom I love and respect. I have a job that I really, truly love. What I'm not ok with is going to bed at night knowing I could have done so many things better.  I want to end everyday on a positive note. So I've decided if I want that, then I need to work for it.

So what I'm doing now is making a list of things I want to do tomorrow. It's realistic and I know if I write them down and post them where I have to look at them tomorrow, I will do them. I also know if I post them for everyone to see, I will definitely do them. So here are my goals:
1. Read to my children
2. Workout
3. Eat clean
4. Mop the floors
5. Organize the kitchen pantry
6. Organize Elli's toys
7. File my stack of papers

Just seven goals that will make a difference in my life and my children's. My goals are smart. They are specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable and timely. These are so important when making your goals! Make goals that you can actually do. Things that will help you be a better you without stressing you out! If they aren't SMART, then reevaluate them. I don't usually have this many goals, but I have a lot of stuff I've been putting off for too long.
I can't personally help you stay accountable for everything in your life, but I can help you when it comes to being healthier. I LOVE challenge groups because they hold me accountable for my workouts and eating. I encourage everyone to try two different things; 1. Try a challenge group. They have helped so many people (myself included) with their fitness goals. 2.Write down your daily goals. I think when you make long term goals, it's really easy to put things off and say you'll do it later. Make smaller goals that will help you achieve your long term goals.
Daily goals give you a deadline. You don't have time to put things off. My long tem goal is to make daily goals for myself. Sounds kind of silly but it really does help. When you accomplish your goals, you feel better about yourself and when you feel good, you're more likely to be a better mom, a better co-worker, a better person.

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