Saturday, May 17, 2014

It's Progress, Not Perfection

At some point or another, I think we all fall victim to comparing ourselves to others. Lately, it seems like that's all I've done. You can see pictures of other women, with perfect bodies all over Facebook and Instagram. Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy that they are fit and look great, but I find myself frustrated that I don't look that good. I don't have that super flat tummy, or the nonexistent love handles (or as I like to call it, my trouble zones). I didn't realize how ridiculous I was being until tonight. It just hit me. To date, I have lost 67lbs.  That is insane!!!!! So why am I upset when I've come so incredibly far???

I think it's easier to compare ourselves to others, rather than compare our new selves to our old selves. For instance, when I started working out I couldn't even do one pushup. I can do at least 10 now. I was so excited about it until my mom told me she was up to 30. Suddenly my big accomplishment didn't seem so big anymore.

This thought process has gotten me nowhere. It discourages me instead of lifting me up. What's the point in feeling that way? It doesn't get you any closer to your goals.
Well I'm done comparing myself to others. This is MY journey and no one else's. I am proud of myself for everything I've done. So what if I'm not up to 30 pushups and I don't have a six pack. I have a new goal for myself now. Stop focusing on the can'ts and focus on the cans. Last year I couldn't run a lap around a track. Now I CAN run a few miles. Last year I couldn't do a pushup. Now I CAN. I'm a work in progress, and on a journey to be fit. I will get to where I want to be, but I don't need to compare myself to others in the process. I'm a new person and better than I was yesterday.

This is why I joined beachbody. I want to help others on their own journey. Everyone's journey is different, and you will never get judgment from me on what you're able to do and not able to do yet. We are all a work in progress. If you find yourself needing a transformation, let me help you on your journey. My next challenge group is doing 21 day fix, and we are starting soon so contact me so you can join us! You can click on the shop tab and sign up with the 21 day fix challenge pack or fill out the form in the post below this one. Let's get your journey started!

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