Wednesday, May 14, 2014

21 Day Fix

I just spent the last week down in Tennessee visiting my parents with my family. Let me tell you, it is gorgeous down there! It was nice to get out of my usual routine and try new things. My mom is part of my current fitness challenge group and she is so doing 21 day fix. I was curious about what the workouts were like, and I ended up loving them!!! I have other programs I can be doing, but I can't help it....I HAVE to get this program! Let me tell you why:

21 day fix is a program that, as you probably guessed, lasts for 21 days. Of course you can keep going after 21 days :) This program is designed to take the guesswork out of eating. No more counting calories! It comes with several different colored containers, each a different size. This is your portion control! There is a guidebook that tells you what foods can go in what container, and how many containers you can have each day. It's simple, easy and it works!!! On top of that, there are 11 different workout dvds. The workouts are only 30 minutes! Everybody's got time for that! Not only are they just 30 minutes, but they are effective and Autumn, the trainer isn't annoying. We've all done this workouts where the trainer is either too perky, just has an annoying voice, or for whatever reason, you just want to punch them in the face! I love this girl! Not to mention, I love her body! Talk about motivation :)

So now I am looking for a group of women (maybe 5) that will do this program with me. If you're looking to lose 10-15lbs in 21 days then this is for you! I will give you one on one support, recipes and any help you need! I will be your go-to girl! I am pumped and ready for this! I've been putting off getting rid of my love handles for too long.  Fill out the form below to join me!
Fill out my form!

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