Wednesday, October 15, 2014

What's Normal Anyways?

I know you all probably all see the fitness posts and maybe they irritate you, but let me give you a little insight as to what my days are really like and maybe you can see my point of view better.

Here's the thing, I'm just like you...Normal! Well normal in the sense that I struggle with eating healthy all the time and with wanting to workout daily. I can't tell you how many times I've started a workout program in the past and quit. It wasn't until I gained a lot of weight (65lbs) with my second pregnancy that I really stuck to working out. In some ways, I'm really glad I gained that weight because I'm not sure I'd be living a healthy lifestyle today if I hadn't.  That's not the only reason I'm glad though.

Some of you know this, but I've struggled with anxiety for the past six years. I don't mean the "I get nervous sometimes" kind, but the "out of nowhere, I can't breathe, complete panic attack kind."   If you're thinking, what?? Really?? It's because I've learned how to deal with it. And I mean, I've really learned how to deal with it. There was a time when I literally could not leave the apartment I lived in. WORST YEAR OF MY LIFE. I couldn't be around anyone besides my mom. I lost a job I loved, lost friends and really lost my life. I felt horrible 24/7 and wasn't even sure I could really live again. The sad part is when I told a couple of "friends" what was going on with me they literally abandoned me. That's when I learned what true friendship was. That's also when I learned that I didn't really have that many true friends.  Yeah I know. Poor me poor me, blah blah blah. I'm telling you this so that you can get a real picture of me. The real me.

Honestly, this is very difficult for me to talk about because I don't like people looking at me as if I'm crazy, or not "normal".  I had learned many techniques to help me live a more normal life, but it wasn't until this past year that I found an outlet for everything. I truly feel like myself again and here is how it happened. I was going on with life, but I still felt like I had this void that I couldn't quite fill.

After gaining so much weight, I started a workout program, ChaLean Extreme. I was determined to lose my baby weight! I was COMMITTED. I was DETERMINED. I had DRIVE. I was struggling with post partum depression and I started noticing that my workouts were relieving a lot of my problems. I went on to do P90X3 and I was in what I call a challenge group to help keep me on track. While in this group I was surrounded by so much love and positivity. I had so much encouragement and I couldn't help but feel close with those participating. By this time I had created a habit of working out and I was actually getting to a point where I couldn't not workout. I noticed a change in me from being surrounded with these positive people. The workouts got my endorphins going and tamed the anxiety, but the group and beachbody coaches I was surrounded by changed my thinking. Instead of giving into depression and anxiety, I was dealing with it. I was fueling my body with nutrition (thank you Shakeology) and I was fueling my mind with positive thoughts.

I never understood the power of surrounding yourself with good people until I became a coach. I originally wanted to try coaching to help others lose weight and to keep myself working out, but now I don't know that I could give up some if the people I've met. It's a place where I'm surrounded by positivity and encouragement. No judging or competition. Just good people trying to help others.

Through working out and feeding my mind positive thoughts, I feel normal. I am normal. I love life again. Beachbody has filled this void I had. I can concentrate on something good for me. It's a healthy outlet. I know not everyone struggles with anxiety, but I do believe a lot of people struggle with having a void in their life that they can't quite fill. Beachbody has changed everything for me.

This is why I post about my workouts and healthy lifestyle. It's not because I'm bragging that I worked out, or am trying to let everyone know I'm fit (trust me I have a long way to go before I say I'm super fit). I just want to reach that one person who needs help in some way. That one person who is inspired to change. I have this amazing opportunity to share how you can make your life more fulfilling and healthy so how could I not share?!  It's not about the money or the "sale". It's about the chance to change a life.

Contact me if you want that change. I'm here because I truly want to help!

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