Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Seriously,  these are amazing deals!  They WILL sell out so you better order quick.  It starts tonight (Tuesday). If you're a coach these deals are really awesome!!!
Black Friday Sales

Monday, November 24, 2014

Body Beast Progress Update

As many of you know, I am currently doing the program Body Beast.  I've NEVER had upper body strength, so let me tell you, this program has been TOUGH!  I've been pushed to my limit and I'll be damned if my body doesn't change after this!  The funny thing about it though is that I've come to love it.  I was worried about not having enough equipment, but you can really get a great workout with a limited amount.

I hate showing these pictures, but I know you all want to see REAL pictures of how this program can change your body.  I know it can be hard to trust the infomercials :)  So anyways, here is where I started.

I just completed my first 3 weeks, the BUILD phase.  In this phase I've had to eat.... A LOT.  I'm building my muscle so that requires me to eat more so that my muscles can repair themselves after my workouts.  I've had to really trust the process and stay away from that dang scale! LOL.

So after 3 weeks, I've maintained my weight (yes I finally got on the scale), and I've lost an couple inches in my waist, and hips (yay!!!).  I was really surprised to find that I already am seeing changes, but I'm very happy about it.

I'm now onto the  BULK phase for the next 3 weeks...wish me luck! :)

If you would like to join me in doing this program (which I HIGHLY recommend), then send me a facebook message! www.facebook.com/katie.blank1